Stay in Ubaye

Tips for your getaway in Ubaye

Learn how to prepare your stay in Ubaye: choose the right period, explore the available activities, and follow the equipment and safety advice.

How to prepare for a stay in Ubaye?

That's it, your decision is made, your next vacation destination will be Ubaye Valley. Nestled in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, it is a hidden gem of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. We love it for its majestic landscapes, its outdoor activities and its rich heritage. The Crazy Water Rafting team has put together a guide that will help you prepare to fully enjoy your stay in this magnificent region. 

Ubaye Valley

Choose the ideal period

There Ubaye valley is a four-season destination, each offering unique experiences:

  • THE spring : It’s the ideal season for hiking. The mountains are adorned with wildflowers and the temperatures are pleasant. If the water level permits, water activities such as Rafting, Hydrospeed or even the Kayak-Raft are also accessible. At Crazy Water, we generally open our doors around April 1st. We will not fail to keep you informed through an article on our blog and a post on our page Facebook
  • Summer : This time of year is perfect for outdoor activities like Rafting, Canyoning, Hydrospeed, Kayaking, mountain biking and high altitude hikes. The days are long and sunny.
  • Autumn : Fall colors transform landscapes into a vibrant palette of reds and oranges. This is an excellent time for photography and hiking.
  • Winter : The region turns into a paradise for winter sports enthusiasts. Skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing are available in resorts like Pra Loup and Le Sauze.

Local events

Find out about local events and festivals, such as the arts and crafts festival, the transhumance festival or the Ubaye marathon. These experiences can greatly enrich your stay and allow you to discover the local culture.

Psssst, remember to take a look at our 2024 calendar: What to do in the Ubaye Valley in 2024? 

Stay in Ubaye

Plan activities – Stay in Ubaye

Impossible to come to the Ubaye Valley without taking advantage of its many activities!

Outdoor activities

The Ubaye valley is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. Here are some essential activities:

  • Hiking : Trails of all levels are available, from Chemin de la Pierre Écrite to the summit of Mont Tabor.
  • White water sports : The Ubaye River is famous for rafting, kayaking and canyoning. Want to discover one or more of these activities, come and chat with the Team Crazy
  • Cycling and mountain biking : With legendary passes like the Col de la Bonette, cyclists will find challenges that suit them.
  • Winter sports : Ski resorts offer a variety of slopes and winter activities.
Rafting stay

Cultural visits

Don't miss visiting:

  • Barcelonnette : The main city of the valley with its unique Mexican architecture, a legacy of emigrants from the region.
  • The forts of Tournoux : An impressive military complex perched on the heights.
  • Museums : The Musée de la Vallée in Barcelonnette and the Musée de l’École in Jausiers offer a fascinating insight into local history.

👉 Read also : Activities in Ubaye, Barcelonnette Valley

Local gastronomy

The Ubaye Valley also offers a culinary richness which is worth exploring. Local specialties include tourton, a kind of filled donut, and génepi, a traditional liqueur from the Alps and many other delicacies such as secca or bréjaude. THE local markets are an excellent opportunity to discover fresh and artisanal products, such as mountain cheeses, cold meats and local honeys.

Prepare your equipment

Depending on the activities you plan to do, it is obviously appropriate to prepare the right equipment. If visiting a museum does not require much preparation, outdoor activities require a minimum of anticipation.

Clothing and shoes

Clothing preparation depends on the season and planned activities:

  • Winter : Warm layers of clothing, gloves, hat, and a good pair of waterproof boots.
  • Summer : Light clothing, but also a windproof and waterproof jacket. A good pair of hiking shoes is essential.

Specific equipment

Depending on the planned activities, you may need:

  • Hiking : Walking poles, backpack, topographic map, compass, and a first aid kit.
  • White water sports : Swimsuit, towel, shoes that don't worry and possibly a neoprene suit if you have one.
  • Cycling : Helmet, gloves, repair kit and possibly a GPS.
  • Photography : If you are a photography enthusiast, don't forget to bring a camera with suitable lenses to capture the beauty of the Alpine landscapes.

In all seasons, also remember to bring sunscreen. 

Book accommodation and think about dining options

Ubaye offers a variety of accommodation options:

  • THE hotels and guest houses will appeal to those looking for comfort and convenience.
  • THE lodges and chalets will be perfect for family or group stays as they often offer greater autonomy.
  • THE camping for outdoor enthusiasts, some offering pitches. Are you more into tents, bungalows or simply looking for space to accommodate your van? 
  • THE unusual accommodation for an extraordinary experience. Les Crazy Bulles has reserved a night for you as close as possible to the stars. Want to know more ? It is by here let it happen! 

Remember to book in advance, especially in high season, to guarantee your place and possibly benefit from advantageous rates.

Dining options 

When planning your stay, also consider exploring the dining options. In Lauzet-Ubaye, Barcelonnette and around Lake Serre-Ponçon, many restaurants offer regional dishes prepared with local ingredients. 

Foodies that we are, we thought of you and listed the best addresses in the region: Where to eat in the Ubaye Barcelonnette Valley? 

Prepare yourself physically and mentally

To fully enjoy mountain activities, good physical condition is recommended:

  • Hiking : Train yourself with regular walks before your departure. Gradually increase the difficulty and duration of your outings.
  • Cycling : If you plan to do passes, incorporate climbs into your training program.
  • Winter sports : Muscle strengthening and endurance exercises are welcome!
  • White water sports : Our Crazy Water courses are accessible to all levels. Seasoned athletes as well as amateur athletes, but good physical condition is always a plus! The same logic applies to thrilling sports such as paragliding, for example, which is very popular in the region. 

In addition to physical preparation, it is important to prepare yourself mentally, especially if you plan demanding activities. The mountains can be unpredictable, and a positive and resilient attitude is essential to face the challenges that may arise.

Find out about the weather and local conditions

Before leaving, consult the weather forecast for the region. Conditions on the mountain can change quickly, so it is essential to be informed. Use specialized applications and sites to obtain precise information on trails, roads and possible risks (avalanches, floods, etc.).

Safety tips

It is crucial to respect the local safety instructions. Find out about emergency numbers and procedures in the event of a problem. Have a first aid kit and knowing the basics of first aid can be very useful.

A stay in the Ubaye Valley promises unforgettable adventures and precious memories. By following these tips, you will maximize your chances of fully enjoying this fabulous region. Whether you are a winter sports enthusiast, a keen hiker or simply looking for tranquility and natural beauty, Ubaye has something to offer you.

Have a good trip !